
Louis was a good as gold last night. As we are having a new bathroom fitted and don't have a bath at the moment, we carried the children to the Bickerstaff's, two doors down for a bath then got them ready for bed. All went well til I tried to get Roan into his cot. He definitely wasn't going to go quietly so after several failed attempts to get him to stay there, I brought him into bed with me and D went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. I reckon I probably had less than 2 hours of broken sleep in total. Roan had a lovely sleep, clinging to me like a little chimp, snoring, snuffling and wriggling about.
Ted and Jo appeared at around 11 o'clock this morning, Louis promptly burst into tears and said he didn't want to go home.
4 hours later, they eventually gathered up all their goods and chattels and headed off.
Apparently the boys are exhausted this evening after their fun night at Aunty Monster's. 
I know how they feel!

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