
went downstairs to meet Jasmine of Jasmine and George fame. She took some of our explosive basil off of our hands following a mandatory herbculling (the skygarden can only hold so much). as a trade, it seems that we will get some delicious pesto sauce.

other than that, and picking up a sandwich for lunch, leaving the apartment today was a low priority. I still feel off and I have loads to read/write before tomorrow.

the wind up here is brutal. i don't know how anything manages to live at all. yes, yes, life finds a way and all that.

I want one of those ridiculously cold bottles of beer from the Longbranch. because then that would mean we were living/visiting in Austin. or we didn't have to work on our respective studies.

i let in a fly during my basil stalk harvest. i am completely beside myself. tomber comme des mouches.

i think i am going to abbreviate this journal name. after 524 entries a trimming in this department is called for as well.

i used to write so much better things here ----->

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