flying into the clouds... a gull

a seagull

1 random seagull - which i learned, that just because 'sea' is in its name - doesn't necessarily mean that it - needs to live or reside near the sea - or water or the ocean - you get the idea - this so surprised me since i live in a landlocked state - very far away from any ocean or sea - so to see gulls flying overhead was such a joy

it is no less a thrill now when i see them - it's like i'm a little kid really - twirling around doing the happy skippy dance - when i look up to notice them high. - in the blue sky doing their wonderful freedom flight - theirs is such a graceful type of flying - with wings outstretched and bodies focused forward - sometimes their cries can be heard before you - actually see them and then suddenly they appear - white and glorious either in formation or as this lone 1 - either way, they put an instant smile - on my face making for...


happy day.....

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