
By mrsc48

Yoghurt is 3

Having lost a stone on my healthy eating, well actually no, lets get out of denial and admit freely we are attending weight watchers classes. So having lost a stone with weightwatchers I am motivated and in the zone to keep on track to loose another.

I like frozen yoghurt, especially a coconut one, but to freeze, then sit and eat a whole frozen yoghurt my hands freeze and my lips feel large and i inagine I have had botox, since I have never had botox I don't know what it feels like but i do imagine the same as when I've eaten a full frozen yoghurt. I don't usually have the time either to sit and savour the whole frozen yoghurt as it takes so long, what happens then is the yoghurt melts which defeats the whole object really.

Anyway, I found a soloution, I've split my yoghurts into little ice cube size so actually the good thing is the small bite size is easy eaten in one go, no need to sit down and eat it, its brill - and probably each cube will be 'nil pois' unless you eat the lot which will equal 3 points for the lot because the yoghurt is 3.

Lets see of this contributes to another good result on the scales this week.

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