Late night blip

Another really grey day.  Not much actual rain, but misty all day.

And busy.

A trip to the dentist in the middle, but other than that, much time spent doing computer housekeeping.  Finally have myself sorted out.  I've been worried for some time about my lack of a back up.  W's sister had her computer stolen, and lost all her photos!  I was also aware that my computer filing system was haphazard (to say the least).

I know my photos are not anything terribly special, but they are a personal record, aren't they?  So now the photos and documents are better arranged on the computer.  The entire computer is backed up onto a large external hard drive.  But in addition the photos are backed up on to a small portable hard drive.  So all the photos are in three different places!   I feel much happier.  

All that remains now is to take my courage, and upgrade the computer from Vista to Windows 7.  Perhaps a job for the weekend.

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