The high road

By Travellersjoy

The Wheelchair on My Face

After a busy day at work and a rather rushed but very tasty supper, myself, Matt and Mel headed over to Kilcrohane for the first in this seasons series of plays, put on by the Blood in The Alley Theatre Company for the Fit-Up Theatre Festival. Tonight in a packed village hall we were treated to two plays, the first was The Baglady by Frank McGuinness, the Irish playwright and poet from Donegal. The play was a harrowing tale, performed by Maria Dermottroe, of how one woman becomes alienated from life.
The second play was altogether much lighter, really funny, it was both written and performed by Sonya Kelly, the Wheelchair on my face, took a look back at a myopic childhood. The performances given by these two women were fantastic! I will definitely be going to the next three evenings of theatre!

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