Funny story made me chuckle anyway!

So I'm out walking and a older lady passes me. She's smartly dressed, all colour co-ordinated, typically Dutch, on her way to the market with her beautiful wicker wheelie basket. Totally the older generation from around here. The type who dress up for the shops. She smiled and seemed nice.
Then within minutes a guy walks past me, also on his way to market. He's dressed all in black, trainers, scruffy hair...a modern look from a younger generation. He also smiles and walks on. That's when I noticed that he too was pulling behind him a basket on wheels...but this one was made of that fake fur stuff that you make kids dress up costumes from! I actually laughed out load - fortunately he didn't hear me. It just seemed so the wrong thing to be pulling behind him.

So I managed this shot of the two people walking away from me because it made me smile today.

That is all.

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