what the hell

had a nice piccie or this one,, so i went with this one..its a weed and has completely taken over the garden ,,, hell if you stand there long enough the thing will grab ya by the throat is growing so fast.... so the gardens a dead lost the mo.. the weather is doing its best to turn it into a fire hazard though.. sitting in the truck in the front yard and the trucks thermometer was reading 36.5 centigrade,, far be it to complain,, but why in this country do we get weeks of rain then we get cooked for our troubles.. no happy medium. another good day at work,,, right until " the hamster" aka chris ham gives me a phone call,, hi ya andy , how ya doing.....well ya know what the next thing hes gonner say,, hey im gonner wreck ya day !! lololol.. bless him... turned out to be a nice run ..amazing sunset ,,simply amazing...trouble is with truck driving, plenty of time to have things turn over in ya head..which can be good but not all the times, the sunset was just amazing and made the whole thing into perspective,,, till tomorrow no doubt !

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