'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Busy Wednesday

Busy day. I tried to draft a document without knowing half the facts & the half I díd know I didn't understand.

Foot was better, just a bit itchy, but the blister is still there - big & menacing. I stuck a needle in it & nothing happened. Should I be worried?

C had the day off & did some shopping & cleaning. We had a BBQ when I got home - pork chops & chicken thighs (heard this before?) with a veggy dish of sweet potato, red & white onion, baby carrots & courgettes.

Our kappertjies (nasturtiums) were growing all over so C tied them to the hanging baskets. They look quite happy being vertical.

"You'll exercise muscles & drink too much beer
When the memories come flooding & get far too near
When the dinnerbell rings & you reach for a gun
You mix coke with your brandy or you drink it neat
They have taught you to booze & still stay on you feet
But now you must adjust, they have just said you must
Enjoy going home
Adjust, & enjoy going home to your mother"
Lesley Rae Dowling, Home
Unbounded Waters

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