Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Did Someone Say Peanuts?

My friend Notch (see his left ear) is alive and well and begging for peanuts!  He is so fearless that he walks right up to me as you can see here.  He is out of Piper's reach on the awning over our swing and it drives her crazy that he has the nerve to come so close.

We have been very busy this week getting ready for the first camping trip of the year.  We had several issues with the trailer that we had to solve.  Thank goodness, they were solvable by us and we didn't have to take it to the dealer.  So, now I'm trying to make sure everything at home is caught up so we can start shopping and packing.  We will leave on the 7th.  Can't wait!  I have an appointment tonight so I hope I will have time to sprinkle stars and hearts but please forgive my lack of comments (again).  Thank you to everyone who leaves comments (which I try to answer) and to those who don't but leave stars and hearts.  They are all very much appreciated!

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