Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Where mummy goes we follow..

Took libbie for a quick stroll to see the ducks this morning.. we haven't been down there for a long time due to the horrid weather..

She had a quick play in the park until she she decided to grab a handful of sand and throw it directly at a boy younger than her... She didn't take kindly to me making her say sorry but tough! she has to learn. The little boy sat there laughing his head off but thats not the point lol Libbie has hit the drama queen stage, the minute you say NO she bursts into tears like the whole world has fallen against her..

Nevermind hey lol

It was quite nice to see some baby duckies down there, wasn't expecting to see them. So you ended up with a nice picture.. we'll i like it.

Shall pop down again sometime this week and try to get another image of the fish in the lake, like i did before. Love how the light catches them to take lovely macro shots.

As for the teen situation... one ban from fb and no mention of going to his old home town until therapy has told us they think he's mentally well enough. Ty for the comments on that btw. Just needed somewhere to yell.

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