Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Lanterns on the Lake.

The day today was spent on Dash, with Dad, on the beautiful Yorkshire hills on one of my favourite rides. We took in Barkisland, Ripponden, Littleborough, Lumbutts, Hebden Bridge and Cragg Vale to name some of the places. 

This evening Mum, my Auntie and I walked down the valley to Shibden Park. Overgate Hospice were hosting a Lanterns on the Lake event to remember those the hospice has been there for over the past 35 years. We donated towards this very worthy cause and lit a lantern in memory of my Granddad and my Grandma. A lovely way to remember the lives of those we have loved and lost. It was great to see around 700 people showing their support for this fantastic charity. 

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