Mediterranean musings

By Grumpyfr0mGrau

Expect the unexpected

We set off at 3pm yesterday to have our car checked out at the dealers in Beziers. So far so good. No problem with the car. 
On the way home we called in at the local Currys equivalent & looked at the latest tv models. Samsung were doing a special offer for June but the stand on the model we liked was bigger than out present cabinet, so that meant a trip to the nearby furniture store to look at a long tv cabinet,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 
Yes, they had one we liked but would it fit in the car?  Just, was the result of a measuring exercise, because you have to remember the ever excessive packaging that the FLAT PACKS come in these days.
Back at the Electric shop, they were delighted we had found something to rest their giveaway tv on and were only too happy to sell it to us.
This morning was spent crouched over a flat pack with a hammer and screwdriver and this afternoon was spent laying flat out trying to straighten my spine. 
A sudden squall interrupted our plans for a pavement lobster supper so we ate inside at another (favourite) restaurant. 
We called in at our local bar on the way back to the car where we seemed to be the lucky recipients of unlimited digestifs, 
I shall now attempt to find my way upstairs but the way things are going, I may end up sleeping in the garage. 

Tales of the Unexpected !

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