campervan man

By campervan

Psycho Squirrels are flying

Daughters 2 and 3 went in for a 5k run today. Of course they had to do it in fancy dress and of course they had to have a team name. Psycho Squirrels comes from a combination of their occupations. The same could be said for Mad Cows but the costume would be more difficult. And of course there had to be numerous large inflatable obstacles for them to climb onto, be pushed/pulled up, jump over, fall off, run into etc. Surprisingly there were thousands of others doing the same, the vast majority not in fancy dress
The Blip is of them running up and over a large inflatable hill to start the race. The additional shots include one of them finishing having come down a very large inflatable slide into a foam bath.
For the record books they both set Personal Bests, not difficult as it was the first one they have done
The event ended with cheesy chips being eaten with fingers whilst sitting on the damp grass. A delightful day, thank you girls

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