
By Naturelover

Angel Wings

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; "

excerpt from "High Flight" by John Gillespie McGee, Jr.

My favorite poem ever written...and I love poetry, so that's quite a statement.
My family are pilots, and I love flying. I have read or heard this poem recited countless times in my life, and every time it brings tears to my eyes.
It sums up my mother, my father, my brothers and my son-in-law. They have all felt what it means to be as free as a bird.

We had a crazy night with storms, and I stayed at my daughter's house. This morning when I got home there was a small insect on my counter, waiting to be turned into an angel. His wings were so incredibly lovely, I thanked him for being here for me. This is one wing duplicated to look like angel wings.

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