Seafront Sunday

And the bellringers were out in force with a dumbbell offering everyone a chance to try bellringing. We were incredible busy with people of all ages though generally the children were a lot braver than the adults. The youngest to have a go was almost 14 months old; though to be fair she was out tower captain's daughter and probably wasn't totally aware of quite what she was doing.

I didn't take a single photograph yesterday because I was feeling sorry for myself. On Friday I walked something 7 and a half miles, then rand a quarter peal at the Town Church and then went straight to practice at St Peters Church. I'd decided to award myself a glass of wine when I got home but before that disaster struck. I was getting out of the back of my friends' car at the bottom of my pedestrian land and as I get out I caught my foot in the seatbelt and spectacularly threw myself on the ground. I wasn't really hurt (pride was!!!) so picked myself up, said I was fine and set off home. As I walked up the steps I realised there was blood everywhere. I grabbed a tissue and wrapped it round my thumb and got home. I didn't much fancy looking at the damage so messed about washing the blood off my best t-shirt with cold water and putting the telly on ready to watch my recorded Corrie. I poured the very necessary glass of wine then could put off surveying the injured thumb no longer. It wasn't a very big cut but it looked pretty deep. Luckily one of the things I had unpacked and put somewhere easily accessible was the first aid kit so I grabbed a gauze pad and stuck it on with micro-pore and watched Corrie. There was no sign that it was still bleeding so I thought it would be OK. The alternate was to phone my friend ( who happens to be a nurse) and ask her to look but I still felt a fool so wasn't keen on that idea. 

So yesterday I felt a bit bruised and battered and only ventured out to the Co-op to top up the milk. By this morning I still hadn't plucked up the courage to take the dressing off and survey the damage but when I got home this evening I got brave. Its actually a very tiny cut. I haven't pulled off the gauze that's stuck to it but since I haven't covered it I imagine it will be off by morning. Another drama survived...

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