A Tale Of No Tail

Meet 'Stumpy' - a garden visitor with no tail feathers. We noticed him just over a week ago - at first we though it was a youngster because if his shape - but when he bent down we could see his tail end was red raw and looking really nasty. It would appear to have been 'got' by something (a cat?) and escaped leaving behind his tail plumage.

Anyway, he can fly - I have seen him on the roof of a neighbour's house - and he appears to be feeding well. The wounds have dried up and his remaining feathers look good - hopefully there is not too much damage and his tail feathers will regrow.

A rubbish picture taken in the morning gloom through a (dirty) kitchen window. The only chance of a blip today.

Milo our canine guest did not settle at all last night - and was howling most of the night. I managed two hours sleep before finally giving up at 4:30 a.m.

So have been feeling rubbish all day, although I did mange an hour's nap this afternoon before driving Milo back home.

Very hot and sunny - yay, at last, but not conducive to dog walks.

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