
Went on a wee roadtrip round Kintyre down one side and up the other. Stopped at loads of wee places one being Waterfoot. I said to hubster im sure a blipper lives down here but exactly where was the question. Anyhow I maneuvered the van up a track and sent hubby to look for a place to park up. I then spied a woman tending some plants and  contemplated asking her. My dilema was how the Hell do I ask for someone whose name I think I know ! Do I ask for a bloke that gets up at the crack of dawn to go running! No as she might think they have a wierdo living near bye. Do I tell her he's a blipper! God no1 she might think he"s part of a nutcase sect! Finally I think I remember his first name so  tentatively ask does she know someone called Alasdair. Bingo! Yes she says he's my husband. For a millisecond I think what if its the wrong person! Then she says are you Snapper! Yaaaay I had the right person and indeed the right house ' how lucky was that. So we had a lovely coffee and cake and a good chinwag. Twas good to see the face and finally meet him aka Waterfoot Sunrise aka Alasdairb. As you can see from the picture a lovely couple and not old enough to be retired. A second blipper may also be in the offing later tonight.

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