
By cowgirl


I joined an organised local walk today, starting in the next village to ours ( although I never know where one finishes and the other starts! ) and heading off across the fields to the Hanbury Crater. I've mentioned it before, but if you're interested to know more about one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions ever, there's more on Wiki:

The walk was a chance to catch up with my friend Maria, who I hadn't see since her birthday in March and her sister Emma ( the two pink ladies ). I had also asked our mutual friend Helen along but she was helping her mum-in-law, so I took her husband and dog along with me instead!

At the monument for those who were killed in the explosion I noticed another chap I knew and as we had all been at the same school together I gathered them together for a group photo.

We then carried on to the nearby pub, where two groups of walkers had now arrived, thirsty and hungry. I reckon the pub did a good trade today!

At this point I left them as I wanted to join Helen at her mil's open garden day ( don't ask me how come Helen had to be there to help out and yet her hubby didn't! ). I'd taken the car up earlier and got a lift back in order to be able to do this.

Had a nice couple of hours there, admiring the flowers, drinking tea and eating cake! My extra is Maureen having a well earned sit down with a fraction of her garden behind her.

Then it was time to go home and hear about how Sav's run out on his motorbike had been, have a Chinese takeaway and Blip!

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