
By TrishaR

Wonderful Sunny Day

We went early down to Cafe Tabu for breakfast this morning . Sitting in the sun at 9.15 was like being abroad and also their almond croissant was almost as good as Nero:). We had a nice chat to the couple at the next table about travel, one of my favourite subjects!

After it was time for a browse at the Farmer's Market, so much nicer wandering through it when the sun shines and am sure the stall holders feel the same....

Spent some time sitting in the garden later and then we picked up Ben and went to GG's house. We took the chiminea out and fired it up, boys like that sort of thing, chucking wood into a pit!! We had out tea outdoors and later Mummy and Kevie and Paul came up and we had toasted marshmallows and strawberries and bananas with melted chocolate.

I was overcome with tiredness later and was bedded early .

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