who what where why when

By RobynT


This installation was in the NGV foyer a few years ago & I adored it. Was pleasantly surprised to discover it again, this time hiding on the top floor in the back reaches of the gallery. I find it very calming, both visually & aurally.

The artist called it Clinamen, I think of it, by the not so artistic name, 'dingy bowls'.

The NGV website & artist describes it........

There is music to be revealed in every object, image or place.

One hundred and more white porcelain bowls float on the surface of an expansive, intensely blue pool. The water is heated to optimise the porcelain’s acoustic resonance. Swept along by submarine currents, the floating crockery circulates gently, colliding as percussive instruments which create a resonant, chiming soundscape.

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