It's Alfred's birthday today - see yesterday's blip for the itinerary.  :-)  
Here we are at the Wild Animal Park, and as you can see, Alfie the birthday boy is up on their 'greetings' board! Thanks to Mr K, who emailed them!  This is a special birthday-selfie taken with the assistance of Mr K who pressed the button! ;-)

I took loads of what I thought would be nice photos of him opening his present from my mum, but I'd made the stupid mistake of running out of space on my card and not noticing.  But for you mum, there is an extra (terrible photo, but the only half usable one I got) of him opening your present.  It's a Kong, and although the treats that go in it are still in the post, Alfred loves it!  He's been chewing on it since he opened it 45 minutes ago. If I go anywhere near it he gives me 'the look'...  :-)

Next treat - freshly roasted duck breast chunks.  

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