Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I found some small green caterpillars on the fabric edge of my 'green house'. It's green fabric and I suppose it can be misstaken for leafs... But I thought it better if they were munching on leafs instead so I moved them to the hedge just outside my 'back yard' or what you call it when it's just balcony sized but on the ground instead... When I moved them, I didn't know if they were going to like the hedge leafs, but when I looked closer at the leafs I saw any smaller or little bigger caterpillars munching away, like the one in the photo. I have no idea what they will become but I'm very happy it wasn't the leafs of my strawberry plants they were after.
I'm not very good at commenting right now. Trouble with my breathing and very tired because of it. Doctors appointment tomorrow so it'll sort itself out when I get some meds for asthma. The pollen season is extra difficult this year and I've developed mild asthma thanks to it.

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