not seeing straight

By jaybroek

Big day

I have a lot to say about medals and competitiveness and the odd impact it has had on Tom this holiday... there has been a running 'not-Olympics' competition at the resort and it has become something of an obsession. But I'll save it... Tom has come away with a few by a variety of means and he seems happy in the end.

We also had a dramatic mini road incident where my wife's ability to out-argue a belligerent Frenchman in his native tongue impressed me no end. What impact a clashing of wing mirrors will have on the entente cordiale in the long run ... no one really knows.

Top of the events today though.... Milo nailed walking. None of the 'did-he-didn't he' or the 'was it a step, was he just falling' nonsense. Proper 5 or 6 steps leading up to a dozen or so by bedtime.

His big brother has been splendidly encouraging - when he hasn't been focused on his medals of course.

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