In My Forest

In my forest are many exciting things. Rocks four or five or six times my height to jump. Paths where moose and wild boars and hares and to humans unknown creatures have left scent trails for me to explore. Blueberry/bilberry sprigs that grow everywhere and which I love jumping through, with high, happy jumps. But - there are NO berries!! It's not that it's too early, which it is. Mum says maybe it was too cold when the flowers were supposed to have been pollinated. I still hope there will be at least some, because I absolutely love picking and eating them!

A very lovely day at the summer house. Except mum walked around with a very noisy machine that she called a "trimmer", wearing funny headgear. Once that was done, we had quality time! Sometimes, I really wonder, from a philosophical point of view, what all this grass cutting is supposed to be good for. But I let her do it, it somehow seems to make her happy.

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