Parking Lot Poppies

Went to work, worked, went back home on the early side.  I prefer working at home because it's less stressful, obviously.  Sometimes, the teachers' room is a beehive and there's absolutely no privacy there.  Maybe I'm just a very private person, or maybe I don't function well if I'm in a group too often, or maybe ... and I could go on endlessly analyzing myself, but I know from experience that that is just my brain making new tracks into a fantasy world and that it usually does that when I'm tired.

A bridge friend of hubby's visited today while I was out.  He'd asked hubby if he could 'borrow' our attic to dry some plants, to which I said 'no' because the smell lingers on long after the plants are gone and I didn't want my laundry smelling like 'that'.  I suggested the garage instead and so he came around to see if it looked okay.  It did.  However, the garage does need fixing up a bit, which is why we were discussing renovations months ago, and guess what -- this friend, S, is a kind of freelance construction worker.  In short, there'll simply be an exchange of services, to put it simply.  I did suggest to hubby, though, that we still pay him a bit in compensation seeing as we'll be benefitting from the renovated garage even after the plants have been removed.  If all goes according to plan, he'll be doing the work while we're on holiday, which also means somebody will be keeping an eye on the house while we're away.

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