Animals Telling Jokes...Part Three
I don't know why that I keep getting joke-telling talking animals. Just lucky, I guess.
Part 1 was rabbits, part 2 was pigs, and...debuting today...these talking geese. Just for your information, their names are Gary and Greta. And, Gary is the joke teller.
GARY: "I know it's been a rough day, week, and month, but how about some jokes?"
GRETA: "As long as the kids are relaxing, why don't we relax, too?"
GARY: "I think you need a good laugh. C'mon, it'll be fun. Here goes nothing. What grows down...when it grows up? A GOOSE! You get it ? Down."
GRETA: "You were right about one was nothing."
GARY: "OK, another. I flew to the store to get some goose feather pillows."
GRETA: "Great...where are they?"
GARY: "They were so expensive... I couldn't even afford the down payment! Ha, ha, ha!!!"
GRETA: "Enough with the down jokes. Are you sure you don't want to lay down?"
GARY: "I'm just getting started. Guess who my favorite actor and actress are?"
GRETA: "Just a minute...let me ACT like I care."
GARY: "Very funny, but the answer is...Ryan Gosling and Geese Witherspoon. Ha, ha, ha!!!"
GRETA: (At this point...she is speechless.)
GARY: "OK, this one really isn't very please don't laugh, or even guffaw. What do you get when you run over a goose? GOOSE BUMPS!"
GRETA: "This has been mildly entertaining, but can I go get to my gaggle now?"
GARY: " You can if you answer one question for me. If a group of gooses are called geese, are a group of mooses called meese?"
There you have it,
I can tell you want more.
So, who can we find,
for part number four?
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