People on a Bridge

By zerohour

The Linear Magic

It was the shadow lines that got me. Almost-perfect parallels, repetition in its finest.
I had a most amazing morning. I spent it in the company of two people who REALLY know how to spot good writing, how to fix it if it's not good, and how to teach it.  Their expertise was impressive, but what made the experience so pleasurable was the fact, that they both were card-carrying members of The YUM Club. The YUM club unites all people who love life, love learning, love to travel, love other people, love to waltz, and spend most of their lives looking for reasons to smile.

And thanks to the one who catalyzed it all. You know who you are.
“There are only two mantras, yum and yuck, mine is yum.”
Tom Robbins
Still Life with Woodpecker

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