Roadside Flower

My grandson called me from College saying that he needed a ride home today; I dropped everything and drove the hour and half hours to go get him. His Mom couldn't go get him because she had a minor emergency with their dog.  But I am grateful that I had all that time alone with my grandson. 19 year old boys aren't that easy to get into hours of conversation. How did that happen? His cell phone was dead AND we had a flat tire on the freeway. We called AAA Roadservice and the truck arrived 40 minutes later. We thought about changing it ourselves, but the hot weather and a spare that had been under the car for 14 years seemed daunting.....and I have been paying for AAA, so why not use it?  Oh, and did I tell you that his dorm room was on the third floor with no elevator. Grandma came through with many trips down those chairs .... He was careful to give me the lightest loads....very sweet.....but I am strong and grateful I could help.  Enough rambling............
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