I'm melting! I'm melting!

Oh what a world! What a world! 

Oh my, the thunder storm last night was like a bomb going off, I have never heard thunder that loud before, it was incredible, it triggered car alarms!

The storm didn't break the heat though, today was a hot, sticky, clammy sort of day. I slowly melted like the witch in The Wizard of Oz....although I really wish someone had thrown a bucket of water over me. 

I thought we were going to get away early, until the nurse decided to unplug a fan and unplugged the main computer instead. I was reconciling all the sheets when everything stopped. It takes forever to shut the computer and the server down and then even longer than forever to start it all up again....sigh. 

This is a pic of the main door into the garage where the vans and lorries go....it wasn't particularly interesting so I faffed a little with it....

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