What's wrong with the paddling pool????

Yes we do have a paddling pool, yes it was full of water and yes she is stood in a tiny bucket of water instead. Yes the child definately takes after her mother!!

Such a lovely day today. The twins had sporting chance this morning which they have been loving. They have done 2 full days of football and today they have moved onto multi sports. They were so tired though that I recieved a call at lunchtime to be told they had finally been worn out. The owner of the club very kindly walked them home and they joined the other childminded children here with me in the garden. Lots of fun with water followed whilst myself and Aunty Fern kept watch with our feet in the pool. Perfect.

This evening Jack and Erin visited their Daddy whilst Mummy had some time out. So hard to watch them go. This is the first time since their daddy moved out that they have gone to visit, not an overnight though they are home in bed now. The first overnight is this weekend and I am not looking forward to it. I have never spent longer than an about 15 hours from them, dropping tham at Mums in the eve and collecting in the morning. This time though will be from 2pm until the following eve. I know there will come a time when I will look forward to and no doubt need this time but it will take some adjusting to. Making sure they are excited about it though and telling how excited I am for them. They are going to have such a lovely time. I have a good evening planned too at a casino night which should be a lot of fun, plus my first ever real lay in since the twins were born!!!

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