
By Chiara

Scrap Your Trip

I made this cherry corner cabinet my senior year of high school. In my woodworking class, everyone else followed a specific set of steps to make a template cabinet -- with four sides. I had another design in mind, so my teacher sat down with me and recreated a whole new set of steps for me. He was a very nice guy, Mr. Davit.

This is the very first piece of furniture I've ever made. I gave it to my mom for Christmas, and it's been there ever since then. I don't know if she even likes it.

I want to build more furniture, but I want to wait until I buy a house or a condo first, because I'm not too keen on the idea of lugging all the heavy wood from apartment to apartment. I already have a specific design for a bed, a dining table, and a T.V. stand in mind. I can't wait.

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