
My inside winter crop, soon to be clipped some more to add to tomorrow's lunch salad. So far they've done well and I'm seriously considering getting another container underway.

All that green/red goodness, I can't go wrong ;-) These ones are out of a packet labelled 'flavours of Western Europe'. That includes Cress, Amaranth Red Garnet and Pea Morgan.

Most of my day consisted of trying to get stuff I've developed using one program, to work properly in another system. There is a degree of talking and playing nicely together, but it's not where I need it to be. It's interesting to compare the online help between the 2. While very different products the quality of help is poles apart.

My foot is a couple of weeks of anything much. It's improved - the bruising is resolving, swelling reducing and pain improving. I'm comfortable biking to work and I can walk around the block. Healing takes longer as you get older.

I'm pretty much ready for my EQC assessment of my sub-standard repairs tomorrow. The final details can wait until tomorrow.

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