Tiddlywinks the barber..................

J dumped  dropped me at the gym this morning, as it's motorbike riding day. When I had finished, I went to the library to get a DVD for Saturday night, as there isn't much to watch on the television. I was on my way   down the stairs when I saw Roy,( the elderly gentleman from church) I was just going to say hello, and go, but he wanted me to sit down and chat. As it's a library, and it's meant to be quiet, I try to speak in hushed tones, but not Roy. I am surprised we weren't thrown out! I had a phone call from Kevin last night, to say there  would be no open church for three weeks. Kevin is canvassing for the Vote Out, in the  EU, so I had to explain all this to Roy. I made my excuses, and left him to read the papers. I got as far as walking past the church when a man in shorts said, hello, I haven't seen you for ages. It was a boy/man I used to live opposite, when I was a teenager. He did look a bit chubbier, and said that he had put on two stones since he had retired in January. I didn't like to say that yes, I could  tell! He said I was looking trim, which was nice, and we went our separate ways. I walked into town, and was counting out my pennies to go into WHSmiths to get the newspaper,( I didn't want to change a note) ,when I heard someone call my name. It was a lady I used to work with, who is now the manager in Greggs, . We had a quick catch up, and I made my way to the bus station.   This barber's  shop, hasn't been open very long, but I was more interested in the old advertising above .  When J got home, he wanted to take some rubbish up the tip, so I went along for the ride. 

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