Another BLIP meet

Just look who I met today – EuniceM & Norman.  They are holidaying in Penzance at the moment and took the bus over to St Ives to meet us.  Ann said we would meet them at the bus station.  Well (as those of you who follow our Blip know); I HATE buses, but actually when the buses are in their bus station I don’t bother going mad at them.

Anyway as soon as we met Eunice & Norman I had to pose for my Blip because this is one of our favourite St Ives views (and it’s right next to the bus station).  Then we went for a little trek around town.

Ended up at the 'Porthmeor Beach Cafe' where the humans had a cup of tea/coffee and I just had to lie sensibly under the table.  I was on my bestest behaviour because I’d had a little pep talk before we came out and Eunice thought I was a very well behaved little collie, but she didn’t see me on my afternoon walk when I went ballistic at a bus and went into ‘killer collie’ mode when I saw a boy carrying a skateboard!

Lovely to meet you Eunice & Norman.  xx

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