A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Poor Caramunster

Caramon's having another allergic reaction to what, we have no clue. He, his brother, and his 2 sisters are strictly inside only! Nothing new has been introduced. We are changing the air filters super often. We are at a complete loss as to what is causing this, as is the vet, which is where we were this morning. Caramon got a shot to help fight the allergy, and swelling, and a shot to fight off any infection that may try to take advantage. He was so good about it too. Not even a whimper. Once back home all he wanted was love, hugs, petting, and more love. Our poor sweet Carabear. He even let me take a couple of pictures for future reference in case he has this again. Then we were back to the loving, hugging, petting, loving, and telling him how VERY handsome he is.

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