Occasional Musings

By cookingisgood

Grumpy old man

There's an old vessel sat in the equipment graveyard, slowly weathering away so today it became my blip. I only saw the "face" afterwards.

I work for a family owned firm and the present owner is now in his 70's but still regularly comes into his office.

Yesterday being snowy, one of my staff had been up to the carpark area with the snowplough (yes, we have our own...) to clear the carpark. Today, I get a phone call from my boss asking if I can send said staff BACK up there with the snowplough because he'd parked alot of the snow in the owner's carparking space...
There were plenty of other parking spaces free and cleared
The owner is chauffer driven and could have been dropped right at the entrance rather than walk the extra 5 metres from aforementioned empty spaces
But no... so off my guy toddles to rearrange the snow in a more pleasing format.

There are plenty of advantages of working for a non-shareholder organisation. The patriarchal, minion-attitude is not one of them !!

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