
It was D's turn to be up at 5.30 today, and half an hour later he was speeding North to catch the Barra ferry and begin his Hebridean Way cycle camping trip. I hope the good weather holds for him.

I tried to get to college but was thwarted by a lorry full of pig carcasses which overturned at Cuckoo Bridge and resulted in the roads in and out of Dumfries being blocked by traffic all morning. Instead, I headed down to Mabie Forest with Jess for a walk, and finally made it in for our HND farewell lunch at Neuro's. It was the last day of college for many people and I suddenly realised that I might never see them again.

I hate goodbyes, so many of them just now.

After lunch, I took Jess with me to deliver the prints I'd made for the over 75's who helped with my Graded Unit project. She was very happy to be made a fuss of, jumping up into the laps of some elderly people who seemed delighted (thank goodness).

Sarah has been on at me to listen to a song she sent a few days ago. I listened to the whole album and THIS SONG is my absolute favourite. Rather an unsettling video...

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