Garden Rose
It's Friday, so shirking from home today. That gave me an opportunity to get new gates fitted to the rear garden, so now I can get wheelie bins and also workmen into the back garden without having to go through the house. They were here less than 2 hours fitting them, having had to get custom sized gates made to fit the gap. It's amazing how much quicker it is when there are two of you who know what you are doing.
Daughter No 3 arrived back from Cardiff today, daughter No 1 met her in London to escort her across from Paddington to St Pancras, before heading off to the Download Festival.
Next job for the garden is to get some trees removed, now that the tree surgeon can get access in. That won't be next week as my niece is getting married next Saturday so it's a busy enough weekend.
The wedding next weekend means that I am taking daughter No 3 to town tomorrow to get her outfit, having just sent money to daughter No 2 for her to buy hers. The Bank of Dad is working well.
Today's blip - the first rose on one of the standard roses in the rear garden.
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