Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

Shot enhancer

This was supposed to be a shot of a bank of wild flowers, the poppies really stood out and I felt it looked quite pretty. Emmy however had other ideas and felt she would enhance the shot. I have to say I agree with her, any shot with Emmy in is going to be a stunner!

Harley has been staying with mum and dad for a week now and I really notice how much of my energy he takes up when he's here. I love him to bits but he is a struggle at times as he's so highly strung. Emmy on the other hand is so chilled and easy going. She did take the Micky this morning waking me up by seeking up on the bed, which she never does, cheeky monkey.

On call tonight and I've just been made aware of a massive back log of work at the call centre, fingers crossed none of its for me.

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