Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Olympic Doggie.

"I know there's life after the Olympics."
Eric Shanteau

Here's my events.

100 metres doggie chase. (Excepting gold, may have to settle for silver if Sally the Border is involved. Should I spike her Pedigree Chum?)
Catching 'frisbees' in mid flight . (Anticipating gold for artistic merit. I need to practice the catching bit.)
Eating my dinner really fast. (Definitely a gold.)
Tennis ball juggling. (Bronze. I can do one ball juggle, does that count?)
Ripping the stuffing out of toys. (I'm good at this, but I think there are some dogs who are better. Found Thelma again last night. Didn't bite her head off.)

So, I'm in training. Doing some stretches and whatnot. And drinking isotonic drinks. And hanging about with a towel over my shoulders. With a pep talk from my trainer aprecious I think I will be on the top of that podium. Wish me luck!

Morning. Sorry if I didn't get to your journal yesterday. Was out watching theatre (darling) with a bunch of lovely kids. Who sang all the way home. Ace.

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