Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A first. And possibly a last.

Another very leisurely start to the day. Cloudy and cool morning, but warmed up by 10am in time for breakfast outside. The plan for the day was to gather together the ingredients for a BBQ lunch/tea. Oh what a hectic schedule!

As we passed the butcher, on the way to the supermarket, the lady called out,

'Roo burgers!'

'Croc sausages!'

After a moment's thought we had to do it. When in Rome Australia...

Bags packed, baps buttered, onions sliced, wine chilled. Off we set. Wonderful clouds, with a tinge of darkness. In fact, JR popped back to get the umbrella, which made sure that it wouldn't rain. Brilliant.

After picking the best BBQ table right by the river, we cracked open the wine while the world and his dog walked past us. I took a few photos of the scene, framed by the little shelter we were in. I mentioned to JR that what would make the photo perfect was if a pelican came flying by.

Would you believe it, a pelican (I think it was that pesky Percy) did fly by!!! You couldn't make it up! Of course, I wasn't ready!

A woman with the longest hair I've ever seen walked by. Her hair was plaited down to her bum, and then it was left loose, so that it actually looked like she had a tail like a fine racehorse, bouncing along on her bum. Or was that the wine talking...

As the sun went down, we pushed the button of the BBQ. Onions were on first, and to be truthful, I'd be happy with a bap and fried onions and tomato sauce. But we persevered with the carnivore items. The croc sausage tasted of herby things, and could have been anything. We had boiled them well before we fried 'em - don't want to risk undercooked sausages.

We then tried the roo burgers. They looked brown on the outside, but rather pink in the middle. We realised that the BBQ had been on a timer, and had gone off mid cook. Back on for another half hour, so that we were sure it was cooked. But the moment had passed. I didn't chomp into it with my usual gusto. I don't know if it's because I knew what it was, or I'd already eaten a sausage bap, but I didn't finish it. And I may never have one again.

Cleared up as best we could, but we know that the two cleaning ladies (whom I meet on my morning walks and might blip at a later date) will be round in the morning to give it a good scrub. That's the routine.

Just as we were cleaning up, our neighbours, B and S came by on their evening walk, and we walked home with them. Haven't walked with them since our first day, but jings! they walk at a great rate of knots! I was fair puggled when I got home.

My blip had to be the BBQ, but I wanted to show the setting by the river too. Note the wine glasses. Tempted?

Have to pack the bags for tomorrow's early start and 4WD expedition. No alarm clock here, so downloaded a clock and alarm on the iPad- fantastic, eh?

PS Can't use the map feature, as it doesn't even show the Noosa River!

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