Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

It has been pretty sticky here lately. Muggy. Close. Sultry.

Oh all right, this is Scotland so we are never likely to get equatorial about it, but still. Warm.

So the light shower that persisted all day was gratefully received by me. It was like The Almighty foresaw the fact that I was so hot I might just strip off and run around in my shreddies and put a stop to it before it happened.

I expect it was gratefully received all round really.

For me, working Fridays are like a countdown clock with WEEKEND at the end of them. I measured out the day in podcasts, cups of tea and trips to the khazi. I did get asked TWO questions*, but trust me that's unusually busy for me.

I'm aware I shouldn't complain too loudly about being bored at work. Trust me, if October 2015 Me were here, he would be giving June 2016 Me a solid kick up the backside and telling him to stop whining.

However, it is still a relief to reach the weekend.


El Parsones

* One of which was "Which floor do you want to get off?"

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