Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


I thought it was time I started giving you images from my Creative Sketchbooks course (level II) :)

The subject matter was totally different from the first year (but again my own choice). I was given permission to take some photos at a local garden centre, and then I grew sunflowers from seed, and it was incredible how this course took off from then on in!

Today's image is of some statues at the garden centre. They were set up like chess pieces, very big, solid, heavy black and white statues.

Drawn with charcoal, conte and chalk. For those that don't know conte crayon is even more solid than charcoal (but you can't remove it or tone it down with a rubber quite so easily!)

The colours totally fit in with my feelings today, its a dark day with a lot of pain in my leg again (not all that sure why its suddenly flared up) :( Managed a quick trip into town to have a pre-arranged coffee and chat with a friend, but so much pain I was nearly in tears. So now I need to rest and take strong painkillers (which make me dopey) for most of the day now to be fit to work tomorrow. Most annoying when I had planned a lot to do on my day off!!!

Typically, the weather is not so good today either, when I might have sat outside in the sun, there isn't a lot of that around at the moment, though its trying to get through the cloud.

Have a great weekend blippers :)

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