
By don_T

Hello Grimsby Iron Girl!

Out for a lovely ride with good friends LJ and blipper jvdshadow. We drove to Grimsby on an Iron Girl road trip. We completed the actual 20 km road bike course and then walked the 5 km run route. This photo is of the area we finish our 500 metre swim. Lake Ontario looked positively Caribbean! None of us have ever done this before so it is nice to be in it together. There are 2 other friends joining us but they were not free today. It was a very hot and windy day, beautiful but too hot to run the 5 k, walking was perfect! Off tonight to our son's good hockey friend's 'stag and doe party'. We are thrilled to be included and to see lots of hockey friends that we have not seen in the past 2 years when our young son graduated and headed to Europe to play hockey.

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