
By Madhatter

Angle of elevation

I am not sure where I heard or read this, but I had wondered why womens hats traditionally have the trim on the right hand side, and if wearin something asymetric the left side is usually the higher.

Apparently, it was custom for men to have the decoration on the left, allegedly due to most swordsmen being right handed, and you didn't want to cut off your own plume with your sword. So thus, the lady had their trim on the opposite side.

I found myself then experimenting, and looking at pictures from the queen's birthday celebrations, and it did seem largely true.

The hats were my effort for today, the cream and black an old one I'd re-trimmed, and the red polka dot made from some of the Sudbury silk purchased with dorsetb on our day trip some time ago. Rather proud of the silk one, think it is certainly elegant enough to grace a Royal head!

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