Inchgarvie Island

As much as I wanted to stay in bed this morning, I had to get up and out and on a bus to Edinburgh, so I could catch a train to go and meet up with a friend.  It was another grey day, and I only just made my bus, but I was in plenty of time for my train.

I shut my eyes on the train and can’t remember much about the journey, but luckily I woke up in time to be met at Leuchars by my friend G.  We then spent the day in St Andrews blathering and wandering around the shops, having a nice lunch, then a nice cakes later in the afternoon.  It didn’t brighten up and I think the temperature may have dropped during the day.

When I got home I just pottered, but was pleased to hear that BB’s football team won today – and that doesn’t happen very often.  He was pleased because he scored a goal.

A blipless day, but here is a not very clear blip of Inchgarvie island in the Forth, shot from the train.  You can read about the history of the island here.

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