Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Natural seating

Managed a lie in this morning. Let the chooks out and hung out a load of washing then climbed back into bed with a cup of tea and my book. Reading a really good psychological thriller at the mo. Toby came for cuddles then went and got his i-pad and I had to tune out his witterings about Minecraft as I'd just got to a really twisty turny bit.

Mike took the pups out and I sorted brekky, then I had a customers 3 dogs to walk, so I met up with Mike, Toby and Eva and our three for a big pack walk in Swithland woods. Toby found this comfy seat between two trees.

Mike took everyone home for lunch and I dropped the three dogs off in quorn then headed to the stables. The sky was looking very dark but I decided to risk a longer ride round the res. Lots of DofE groups out. Lime not normally a fan of their big packs but today he put on a brave face.

When I got home we put a DVD on for the kids and tackled the remainder of the painting in our room. Finally finished at 11pm. Just the window frame to paint a second coat (very fiddly) tomorrow then we are hopefully done. Feels good to get a job done that has been on my list for a long time. It's not been easy having to do it once the kids are in bed/distracted and moving all the furniture round but it looks so much better.

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