
I've spent today joining panel members who took up decision making last year. They've had the opportunity to experience sitting as volunteers on children's hearings - taking decisions about vulnerable children - for some months. Now is the time to hone their skills as chairs of these tribunal decision making meetings. They've not been allowed to chair until they've successfully undergone this training, today and tomorrow and submitted work for assessment.

it's, as ever, been an interesting, challenging and thought provoking day. We've role played, had information presented to us, considered options and tone, and other issues.

So it was good to relax tonight with a good meal, the chance to catch up on the football (and late goals) and have a chat.

As a public body we do not stretch to the provision of alcohol at these events, so this hotel's display of wine was even more tantalising. Does not stop the personal purchase of refreshment though!

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