40th Bellin Half Marathon Race

16,944 particpants took part in this historic race.  I was
standing on a corner watching for my granddaughter
to run past......I never did find her, so my "Go Zoe!! was
stuck in my throat.  It was warm and humid but the
sweating hordes kept coming.    As per usual, a Kenyan
man took first place.  You can see him above.  In
my extra photos, you can see the first woman through
my vantage spot.  Then the main group [they had three starting gate times] came slogging through.  If you check
the backgrounds of the extra photos, note the misting
stations, and a bit farther back workers handing out
cold cups of water.  This is always a special event
in our area and competitors come from around the world.
Yes, indeed!  My Zoe passed by without me noticing her,
and my eyes were peeled!   Go figure!

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